Trailblazing Women Treasury - Little People, Big Dreams


Little People, BIG DREAMS Trailblazing Treasury - Meet six trailblazing women from history with this beautiful treasury from the Little People, BIG DREAMS series: Dolly Parton, the singer-songwriter and businesswoman who grew up in poverty, but never forgot where she came from and uses her wealth to give back to people, children, and animals in need.

Greta Thunberg, who protested against climate change and created the global movement, “School Strike for Climate.” Amelia Earhart, whose strong will and self-belief helped her overcome prejudice and technical problems to become the first female flier to fly solo across the Atlantic ocean.

Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad conductor who led hundreds of enslaved African Americans to freedom with great bravery and courage and 'never lost a single passenger'. Marie Curie, whose love of learning helped her to revolutionize the fight against cancer with her discovery of radium and polonium. Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott and eventually leading to the end of segregation on public transport. Featuring pioneering females who paved the way for future generations, this gorgeous book of real-life stories features six very special art prints.
